Radiation has been both ok and ugh! For the first two weeks, I did the twilight thing of six to seven. The people are great, the experience was pleasant compared to chemo, but omg, every day gets old quickly. I started my daytime microwave (as I call it) visits and it is more crowded and lively, but same nice people. Once a week we do xrays (in case I am not radioactive enough) and the whole treatment takes about 15 minutes. It takes longer to drive to Swedish and undress and repeat the process home than I spend in the room being treated. I have about 4 and a half weeks left of my 5 day a week activity, but then I can kick back and wait for about a year to start reconstruction. I don't know if the car and I will know what to do without Swedish visits!
I had my port for chemo removed (hooray!) the Monday that I started radiation. Sweet Melinda LeClercq took me and when they found out I had a driver, I swear they gave me more juice! My surgical nurse was once again my former agent Terry. I was so glad he got to check out the cute ET look I have going on! I am glad that chemo is in my rear view mirror and we won't be going back that way!
My radiology oncologist is pleased with how I am doing. My skin is a little red and my energy level isn't great, but I am religious about using the lotion and putting in 30 minutes of walking. Smookie likes this part!
Thanks for your prayers for my Mom. She must be doing well as she is complaining about not being allowed to drink champagne with her friends on Sunday after church. When I suggested she ask the doctor if she could have one glass, she informed me she didn't want just one glass. I know where I get it now!
Next week I see Dr. K for my oncology visits. I doubt I will have anything to report other than his dry wit and funny personality. I will try to post anything humorous that he shares! Until then, keep your positive mojo going for me and thanks for checking in!
Hugs, kisses and please fire Darrell Bevell